Friday, March 20, 2020

注音符號 Traditional Chinese-Bopomofo

Bopomofo also called Zhuyin,or Mandarin phonetic Symbols,is the major Chinese transliteration system for Mandarin Chinese and other related languages and dialects which is nowadays most commonly used in Taiwanese Mandarin. There are 37 letters, including 21 initials, 3 mediators and 13 finals.

聲母          ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ   唇音 Labial
Consonant    ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ    舌尖中音  Middle tongue
                  ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ        舌根音 Root tongue
                  ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ        舌面前音 Frontal sound
                  ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ   翹舌音 Tongue
                  ㄗ ㄘ ㄙ        平舌音 Flat tongue

                  ㄧ ㄨ ㄩ        介音 Median

韻母          ㄚ ㄛ ㄜ ㄝ   單韻母 Single final

Finals        ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ   複韻母 complex vowel
                  ㄢ ㄣ ㄤ ㄥ   鼻韻母 Nasal vowel
                  ㄦ                  捲舌韻母 Rolling tongue    

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二零二三年~二零二四年 生活點滴
